Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In an effort to monitize my blog

In an effort to monetize my blog I'll be talking about products and services that approach me for review and just to talk about what they do. Today Kodak Ink, for your Kodak printer, if you have one, has asked me to let you know that you can get your Kodak Printer Ink Cartridges directly from them by pressing the last link. George Eastman was the founder of Kodak over a hundred years ago. It was said his favorite letter was K, and with some degree of purchases and acquisitions of intellectual property, found Kodak was just a unique brand, which today still exists. Kodak was a great entrepreneur, who changed the way we remember things, making personal photography possible for billions of people. Think about purchasing a Kodak Photo printer for your computer, they make wonderful products and would really appreciate your sponsorship.

Where Will The Road End

Each day I wake up with that feeling in the pit of my stomach, will today be the day that I get that Job I've been working so hard to find. This job market is a killer, and there really isn't very much more that anyone can do to stimulate an economy that's dwindling. I keep hearing reports on the news "The Recession is Almost Over". Almost is a key word in the story, since no one really knows when the economy will pick up. Currently I'm in 'Jack of All Trades' mode, where I do almost anything that anyone is willing and able to pay. The Census has been a windfall for us, but the job is 'intermittent' at best. With all work aside, it has really got me thinking about how blessed I am to live in a country where I have the right to work, where I can work has hard as I'm able, and as long as I'm able. No one can force me not to work, they can end my job, but it doesn't prevent me from finding a new job, or creating work for myself. People still put value in something, be it home, or family or just their God given ability, we all are blessed. I have a 825 square foot home with running water, septic, electricity, and internet. We are blessed to never go without food, and we are blessed to have wonderful friends who actually care about how we are doing? The fact is we are truly blessed.
Living on the edge, actually trusting that God will provide isn't exactly the easiest thing to do in life. When your son has a medical illness and needs medicine, but you have no money, it's hard to say that God will provide. When you look at an aspect of getting a job, but get turned down because the market is so competitive, it's hard to be positive. But why should I care.. obviously it's not where God want's me to be, it's not the place where God want's me to exist. The fact is God has me in his grip, and that's all that really matters.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Working on Promoting my Blog

I'm finding I really need to start marketing my Blog.  Below are some links of places where I'm listing my blog:

blogs directory

Friday, March 19, 2010

Can Children really be the Idol's of Adults?

Now first I would never say I would knowingly worship my children, they are truly fallen, but I do love them.   Last night as I was driving, I got to hear 'Family Life Today' a program on our Christian radio station.  The guest was Leslie Leyland Fields, a writer and speaker who was speaking on her book "Parenting is Your Highest Calling And 10 Other Lies That Trap Us In Worry And Guilt".  I got to thinking about how I view my children, sure I want them to be happy, sure I want them to be well adjusted, educated, and ready to be adults, but really when is our expectation becoming Idolatry?
I had the pleasure last year sitting in on a lecture by Voddi Boccum at a homeschooling convention, his topic was Harvard or Heaven.  So often we want our children to be smart and well educated, maybe we see success as a person who has a good job, or is 'Happy'.  For many, they place expectations of high levels of education upon our children, only to find that they arn't well adjusted.  The world really has nothing for us, and even a school like Harvard isn't exactly what it was when it was founded.  
So how do children become the Idol's of adults?  Every child is smart, beautiful, and perfect when compared to other children, they are truly a blessing from God!  But the blessing is that they are for us to guide, teach, direct and a vessel of unknown potential.  But what do they do for us?  I guess you could see all your efforts shine as they reflect upon you...  but that's really kind of selfish.  Anything we do for our children expecting better rewards for ourselves is selfish, and really taking our focus off the most important thing which is Christ.
 The fact is many of us have placed our entire purpose in raising our children, while we do have influence, we can't control the future.  Jesus said "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."  The real question is who do I love more, and If I do love Jesus more, than I can leave my children in His control.  In the first chapter of 1st Samuel, Elkanah and Hannah give the one thing they cherished more than anything, their only child, back into the hands of God.   So also must I surrender my children as vessels of His purpose, never worshiping, but simply loving and guiding as He allows me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Looking for a Blogger Theme?

Yes, I redesigned my Blogger Theme, hope it fits the message of this blog.  Currently I'm not doing very well with keeping up with the blog about my life and the world in general, I guess it's good to be busy.   My current job just came to completion, and now I'm looking for the next job.  The wonderful thing is God provides, and I know He's going to do with us as He wills, that I may bring Him Glory.   Good news is I do have a job in 3 weeks with the Census Bureau if people don't fill out their census forms.   So, my plan is to work on websites and themes for the next few weeks and post them on my website, also if you have any ideas please share and I'll make you a free theme if you let me sell the idea.
Thank you for your continual prayer for us in these days, I hope to start really making this a daily action....