We serve a Great and Bountiful God who has promised to provide for all our needs. This year has been tough, as I've found the economy is not being kind. The value of labor is not exactly what it was a year ago, and declining each day. But the one thing I still cling to is the Love of God, and his provisions. It's in the tough times we really get to see His hands as they provide for our needs. Each day we see new blessings, and we know that he is providing, so we in turn can give and in turn be the hand of Christ to people who don't know Him.
The weather here in central Texas has turned bitter quite quickly, I'm amazed at how cold it is in November. I've also noticed that there are a lot more homeless people wandering the streets of Austin without coats or blankets to keep them warm. A dear friend of mine has also seen the need and taken action. This is the third year that T.C. has collected coats, blankets and other items to help keep the homeless warm. Consider this year to help those who are in need, as I ponder this same subject.
Often I find myself dwelling on our current problem, and of course there is always a problem, we must accept it. But why can't I turn my eyes from our current needs to the needs of others, and provide for them as God provides for us. I challenge you, as I challenge myself to cast our burdens on the feet of Christ, and while waiting for his returning help to resolve the problems of others. I want a deeper expectation of Gods provisions, but I'm not going to wait for him, but give away what I can for His Glory.
We say "God is always good", why don't really trust Him completely?
To Christ Be all Glory and Honor.
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