Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Should Palin go on Oprah?

Politics are always quite interesting to me, and to have a degree in political science seems like an oxymoron.  With that said, can there be any kind of scientific reasoning to why Sarah Palin should go on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'?

Oprah, queen of day-time TV and diva of the media, will have for the first time as a guest Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and plain speaking vice presidential candidate.  Sarah just finished her book 'Going Rogue: An American Life' a memoir of her political career.   Until now Palin has strayed away from the main-stream press, especially Oprah Winfrey, major supporter of President Obama. 

So how does dialogue on a stage like Oprah's sway public opinion?  There must be some impact since President Obama won the election, or is that conjecture.  What are the variables needed for a potential candidate, like Palin,  to become a 'real' candidate that people could actually give a vote.  Will Palin's book actually influence what people think of this Mid-American Gal?  Of course someone has probably got numbers, but when it all comes down, it's the fact that our political elections are more popularity contests than substantive polls of policies and procedures.

I personally like Sarah Palin from what I've read and seen in the media, but does that make her a good leader of the free world?  Are there other people who could do the job that have more experience? What does it really take to be president?  According to the U.S. Constitution, she totally qualifies. 

I'll reserve my opinion on whether she should run for president, but going on Oprah is really a 'no-brainer' if she plans to sell her book.

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