Metrosexual - a feminized male. Ubersexual - more masculine than the Metro. But the real question, what is wrong with Masculinity in the first place? It was only about a year ago that I'd even heard the term Metrosexual, the queer eye guys (or should I say people) directed us to a more feminized fashion consciences male. Clean lines, talented, able to cook, clean and also recite poetry to woo the women (or men?). But the real question, what do women really want? I mean that's the only reason guys go to a spa to have their back hair removed (ouch!)
I think this entire question goes back to the 'Sexual Revolution' in which women really got mixed up, no longer was it acceptable to raise a family while your husband brought home the bacon. It was ok to be a professional mom, who saw the kids as they jumped on the bus and when you arrived home. The professional dad did the same, and the kids, well they survived and got a title also - latchkey (I would prefer to say, 'child with key'). Then that became unpopular when the kids (while making microwave popcorn) where burning down houses and joining gangs. Then the Idea of the 'stay at home daddy'. Think of it, little Tommy is at school and is teacher asks him what he wants to be when he grows up, 'Well, I want to be a stay at home Daddy'.
This was a good idea, but budgets got stretched, and well the guys just sucked at the nurturing thing. Women wanted a 'fixed family' opposed to a 'broken family', so growing up in 'broken families' women started to look for 'mommy like' men- well the Metromale (Metrosexual). Men who could keep house and cook and clean and be more sensitive to the offspring. But now well, these guys aren't guys - they are Metromales, not as attractive as the husky man that smelled like sweat. Ubermale? I'm confused... (maybe I'll have to retake that 7th grade sex education course again) and that's all I have to say.
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