Friday, September 16, 2005

Save Money for those Rainy Days

It seems at least in my life, Rainy Days seem to come whenever it looks clear. I guess Murphy had something on this type of fate. But those Rainy days are what keep me from my goal of being debt free. An example was how last spring, my wife was hit on the side by a front-end-loader. It took us 4 months to get the insurance money to pay off our vehicle, but we lost all future use of that vehicle thus we lost money, now we are back in debt more because we bought a replacement vehicle with another loan. There are a lot of costs which just aren’t covered by insurance. But how about situations like Katrina, how could having some extra cash help you be more prepared for what happened? My plan is to put together a small savings account that I can get to In case of an emergency. What is the best way to stash money away?

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