My very thoughts today are pondering on something I heard yesterday on the way home while listening to Wretched Radio. It was a quote from a pastor in South Carolina, he was talking about 'The Modern Church'. The church with great worship bands, great music, great lighting, great sound, the preacher doesn't use a pulpit. It's a worship service at any church today. I don't know of a single church that still has an organ and that's it. The question is... of course.. why? Why does our church need these tools for the theater? Could our church even exist for one Sunday without the video projector? Could we hold a service if the pastor didn't have a wireless mic? When the service is over, are we thinking about the 'Worship Experience' or are we convicted by the power of The Word?
The very fact that I'm pondering these things is making me rethink what I do. Each and every Sunday I'm thinking about the lighting, the visual, the sound... But am I thinking about the lyrics to the song, am I being convicted by the message? Is this idol worship? This is weighing quite heavy on my heart, because I love my church, I love my brothers and sisters in Christ. But if I'm worshiping something... anything other than God alone, it's idolatry. What's so different between the theater and the church? Why am I even go to church? Is it more for the entertainment value than true worship? If it's even a little bit towards the entertainment value I'm worshiping an Idol.