Maundy Thursday is really an interesting day, it's the day we celebrate the Last Supper, or the meeting in the upper room by Jesus and the Twelve. Maundy is the old English translation of mandatum or "A New Commandment", The statement which Jesus made "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you" as he washed the twelve disciples feet. Tonight my church will have a Maundy Thursday service, where we will celebrate the Lord's supper, and also have foot washing, a service where members of the church demonstrate servitude to the body, as Jesus demonstrated to the 12.
We must also remember that Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, but He chose to wash his feet. He demonstrated "Love your enemy as yourself", and as I write this I ask that of myself. How am I willing to lay it all down knowing, trusting, that God will be glorified, and that he will keep his covenant. When we reach this level of trust will our lives be transparent to others that they might see Christ living in us? I have to believe so, when you look at lives of those eleven disciples. All of them but one died at the hands of others, All of them but one preached the message of Christ resurrected. Which of the twelve am I like?