Tuesday, September 26, 2006

100 Cards via Postcrossing!!! now I'm at 104

Yes, this week (a little later than I expected) I made it to the 100 club. The really cool thing, is now I have 96 Cards received, and a few more on the way. I think I might keep going and set another goal at maybe 150. This is worth doing, and it’s really a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mr. Chavez, Button your lip

I know in the US there is always bickering and back biting over issues and politics, but when is the blow below the belt? By what authority does a dictator of a thirdworld country have the right to back bite the nation which is hosting this open forum of free speech. Yes, there is the constitution of the United States, which has no bearing on his reign. It was advantageous that he took such liberties in a free forum, when he himself affords none of these freedoms to his own people.
There is much contempt in the world for the United States. Many countries wish they could guide the destiny of this great nation, but these liberties were only afforded to Americans. Yes Hugo Chavez has the ability to look like a fool before the nations, even as his nation sinks from the scope of the modern era.
There is a public forum of the world community, but the question I pose is substance rather than personal attacks. I normally don't agree with Bill Clinton, but today I will agree that in politics, personal attacks are not in etiquette. In any of Mr. Chavez's speeches has he placed any merit of proof for this claims, or has he stated a fact which will make Americans ponder a new epoch in their history?
Remember Mr. Chavez, Americans have the choice to buy your oil or not, this is truly substance.

These are my thoughts on this matter.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's not impossable, yet its hard

I live in a rural part of Texas with my wife, and four children. Our church is 45 miles away, and getting there on time has been hard. Like any family with many children, organization is a key to success. Here are some steps I have taken and they might help: 1) Clothes out the night before to include shoes and socks. I’ve found that the shoes and socks are the things which actually take the longest to find on a Sunday morning, and matching socks and shoes are almost never to be found on Sunday Morning, having everything ready the night before saves that needed time. 2) Diaper bag always packed.. It’s really bad when you get 13 miles from home and that thought “Oh No! We left the diaper bag at home” very common for the new parents (and old alike). One thing we found is to have a ‘emergency’ diaper bag in the trunk of our car at all times, and saves on the backtrack! 3) Harmony – Often trips which are less planned tend not to have the same level of harmony. I’ve found to have things to keep the children occupied (like tapes, CD’s, games) in the car help to keep them from fighting. Also rules which don’t allow picking, nagging, or bad attitudes are a must. This way the trip doesn’t become a drag, you’ll want to drive your family to church because this is a great time for family bonding. 4) Sunday Breakfast. For our family making breakfast on Sunday morning was a huge drag on time, though eating out does cost, it saves in time. This is the one time of the week where fast food is allowed. If not fast food, then having something, which can be eaten quickly and without a mess in the car (granola bars, breakfast bars, pop tarts, etc.) 5) Pack the night before, Bibles, extra clothes, anything you need should be placed into the car the night before.

Calvinism and the Great Commission

I have never really had a problem with sharing Calvinism with love, since it’s a theological bent, not a religion. We are all Christians, and I look lovingly on my Armenian and Dispensational brethren, who are just as much an heir of the Kingdom, as am I. We might not agree on the systematic of theology, but we can agree on the core Christian principles. There is a great misconception with our other Christian brethren, that Reformed means frozen chosen, and we do not have a zeal for the Great Commission. Even though it is very rare, that you might see an ‘alter call’ in a Reformed Church, they have a zeal for preaching the Gospel without a ‘watered down’ message. We (Christians) are not called to convince people to believe (how do you convince a fish it is a good thing to be trapped in a net), we are called to preach the Gospel. The work of Regeneration is solely in the hands of God. May the Church never be complacent in completing the work of the Great commission.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Learning to lock things away

Originally uploaded by emma b.
In our society it's not proper to talk about personal things, things which are often hard for others to understand. Being public is only a facade of something which is much more sinister. There is of course hope, that all these things which I lock away are not to be locked in lost, but dropped and shared with God. Yes I do have comfort in knowing that He, will understand my problems, my personal things. He created me in His image, and the flaws which sin makes, can only be healed by the creators hand. I'm not perfect, I'm far from being Holy, but I do know that imperfections need to be resolved. I can not do it on my own, I can not act like I'm able and capable. But I do know that God is capable, and will, by His good will and mercy make me the Man who He wants me to be.