Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Egotistical Self Centered American

Funny how when people around the world think of Americans, they think of massive wealth, and a society where people are self centered.   The thing is, they are right.   Americans do have wealth, incrementally more than most nations.   But the self centered issue kind of hits a sore spot.    I think it's probably more of a generational thing, but I'm seeing it from several different generations.
I started watching a TV Show called 'Selfie', about a girl -Eliza Doolittle who has a huge problem, she can't see beyond herself.   She is attached to her phone telling her 'friends' about herself, but can't form any meaningful or real relationships with people.    She's constantly competing against "friends" we can't see, and turning away any kind of friendship with people in her office.   My point is Eliza is our society today, people in love with themselves, but they can't see beyond the mirror they hold.   Is it easy to unconditionally love yourself?
When I was a kid, I learned the 'Golden Rule', do unto others as you would have them do unto you.   When Jesus spoke those words, I'm sure the people who heard them said...  "What?"  The nation of Israel was invaded by the Romans, it was every man for himself.   Did this include the Romans, or just other Jews?  Jesus answered "Love your Enemy as yourself".   You see there is a paradox here,  If you love other people deeply, without condition, you are demonstrating and expressing the love that God shows to us. 
Americans are self centered, but on general, some of the most generous people in the world live in America.  Though the media jabs and makes fun of us, let's put down our phones and computers and start sitting down and talking instead of texting. 

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